Plastic Surgery - Department

Breast Reconstruction

A group of procedures to improve the shape and size of the breast, and enhance confidence and natural beauty
Plastic Surgery - Department

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction

Most women face psychological problems such as depression and discomfort as a result of surgically removing their breasts for many reasons such as breast cancer or birth defects, etc., so they seek to undergo cosmetic surgeries to reduce the psychological consequences resulting from breast loss, which helps them feel complete and integrate back into their daily lives, such as breast reconstruction, which plays an important role in improving a woman's quality of life, her sense of self-confidence, and adapting to the psychological and physical changes that result from it.

What is breast reconstruction?

It is a surgical procedure that aims to rebuild the breast after it has been surgically removed due to breast cancer or other reasons. Using materials such as silicone by placing them inside the breast or spider webs, this technique helps give the breast a natural shape by placing spider webs inside the reconstructed breast, to help women restore the shape and natural appearance of the breast.

What are the benefits of breast reconstruction?

Breast reconstruction offers a woman who has undergone a breast removal surgery many benefits, including:
– Restoring the natural shape: Breast reconstruction contributes to restoring the breast naturally, which helps restore self-confidence and psychological comfort.
– Improving self-image: Breast replantation can lead to improving the woman’s self-image, as she can feel complete and ready to resume her daily life with confidence.
– Providing options: Breast replantation offers a variety of options for the woman, allowing her to choose the appropriate option that is most suitable for her individual needs.
– Improving comfort: In addition to the psychological aspect, breast reconstruction also helps increase the woman’s physical comfort, as it restores the balance of weight and the general shape of the body.
– Reducing nipple sensitivity: In some cases, breast implants reduce excessive or unwanted nipple sensitivity after treatment procedures. These are some of the benefits that breast reconstruction can provide. If you want to know more details about this procedure, we at Clinica Sabah Hospital provide you with the most important medical consultations from our qualified doctors because their primary goal is to meet your needs and satisfy you with the best results.

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Am I a candidate for this procedure?

At Clinica Sabah Hospital, in cooperation with our specialized medical staff, we always keep up with the latest technology used in the field of surgery and we are interested in knowing all the fine details about the surgical departments, including the breast implant surgery department. You can talk to the specialized medical team to determine some of the factors that doctors look at if you are a candidate for this procedure or not, as follows:

– General health condition: Candidates for the operation need to be in good health in general to tolerate and recover from the surgery.

– Treatment history: The decision to perform the operation depends on the history of previous treatment for breast cancer and the treatments received.

– Personal details: Many personal factors are considered, such as age, personal preferences, and patient expectations.

– Expectations and goals: Doctors talk to the patient to understand her expectations and goals from the operation, and work to provide appropriate options based on that.

– Available techniques: A number of techniques and procedures are available for breast reconstruction, and the most appropriate is chosen based on the personal condition of each patient.

We always recommend at Clinica Sabah Hospital to contact your treating physician to evaluate your personal condition and discuss with him, and he will be able to guide you to choose the appropriate one for your condition.

What makes Clinica Sabah special in breast reconstruction?

At Clinica Sabah Hospital, we are committed to providing the best possible medical care in the field of breast implant surgery, which makes us a source of trust and excellence in this field, including:

– Specialization, experience and medical: Our hospital includes a distinguished medical team of experienced and specialized plastic surgeons and breast surgeons, who have high skills and long experience in breast reconstruction procedures.

– Reliance on the latest technologies: Clinica Sabah Hospital adopts the latest technologies in the field of breast surgery, which helps achieve excellent and ideal results.

– Comprehensive care: Our Clinica Sabah Hospital provides comprehensive care services that include a comprehensive assessment of the patient’s condition, developing an appropriate treatment plan tailored to each patient’s condition, and accurate follow-up during all stages of treatment.

– Attention to the psychological aspect: Clinica Sabah Hospital pays great attention to the psychological aspect of the patient, and provides the necessary psychological support and assistance to her during the treatment journey.

– Reputation and trust: Clinica Sabah Hospital enjoys a medical reputation and trust from patients and medical professionals worldwide, which reflects the quality of services and positive results.

In general Our hospital is known as a world-renowned hospital in the field of surgery, with its distinguished team, comprehensive services, and advanced medical expertise and competencies.

After Breast Reduction SurgeryAfter
Before Breast Reduction Surgery

What happens during breast reconstruction?

This process takes several steps, which the specialist doctor performs during the operation first:

– Anesthesia: The operation begins with completely anesthetizing the patient using general anesthesia to avoid any pain, after preparing the operation site and cleaning the wound, the surgeon then begins peeling the skin and removing damaged or damaged tissues that may be the result of previous mastectomy operations, using various techniques such as silicone breast implants or spider webs to rebuild the breast and shape it naturally.

– Closure and dressing: After reconstructing the breast and improving its shape and size, the wound is completely closed and the necessary dressings are applied, then the patient is transferred to the intensive care unit for monitoring and rest after the operation.

During all these steps, our surgical team works to achieve the best results by relying on modern techniques and medical expertise to ensure the patient’s comfort and achieve the desired results.

What is aftercare after surgery?

Aftercare after breast reconstruction aims to enhance the healing process and ensure the patient is as healthy and comfortable as possible. Here are some aspects of aftercare that may include:

– Direct monitoring: The patient is monitored directly in the hospital after the operation to ensure that her condition is stable and there are no complications.

– Surgical care: The necessary surgical care is provided to change dressings, monitor the wound, and address any other surgical problems.

– Medications: The patient may need to take pain medications, antibiotics, and other medications as needed.

– Nutritional advice: Balanced nutritional advice can aid in the healing process and improve overall health.

– Home nursing: In some cases, home nursing services may be needed to help the patient care for the wound, take medications, and monitor symptoms.

– Regular follow-up: The patient should follow up on scheduled follow-up appointments with the treating physician to monitor the progress of her condition and provide any additional care if necessary.

– Psychological support: Psychological support can play an important role in the recovery process, as the patient can obtain the necessary psychological support from family, friends, and healthcare teams.

These procedures are necessary to help ensure a healthy and speedy recovery for the patient after breast reconstruction surgery.

Most frequently asked questions about breast reconstruction?

Is breast reconstruction safe?
Yes, we consider breast reconstruction a “safe” procedure. Safety and success depend on several factors, including the patient’s general health, the surgeon’s experience, and the quality of post-operative care.
Who are candidates for breast reconstruction?
Women who have had a mastectomy due to cancer or for preventive reasons such as genetic variations associated with an increased risk of cancer are prime candidates for breast reconstruction.
Women who have breast deformities as a result of previous treatment: such as chemotherapy or radiation, which can leave physical effects that affect the shape of the breast, making them in need of breast reconstruction.
The desire to restore the shape of the breast after its loss, as some women undergo breast reconstruction to restore their self-confidence and the shape of the breast after its loss, in addition to those who are in good health and do not suffer from health problems that prevent surgery in general, are candidates for breast reconstruction.
However, those who are considering the surgical procedure should consult our specialist doctors to assess their individual situation and obtain appropriate advice.
What is the expected recovery time?
The recovery period varies from person to person and depends on the type of surgical procedure performed, the patient's condition, the availability of support and post-operative care, in addition to adhering to the instructions of the treating physician and regularity in following up on medical appointments. Generally, the recovery process, and the restoration of confidence in the body and daily life are completed within a few weeks of the operation.
How long is the hospital stay after the operation?
The length of stay usually ranges from one to two days after the operation, depending on the surgeon's assessment of the patient's condition and the care needs necessary to ensure a healthy, safe and effective recovery.
What are the next steps after the procedure?
After the operation, you will be given steps by our qualified doctor that must be followed to achieve the desired results and to ensure that you recover properly and safely, such as wound care, and when you can resume your daily and sports activities normally.
Changing bandages and caring for the wound: Bandages and wound care may be changed regularly to speed up the healing process.
Follow-up appointments: Appointments will be set for you by the treating physician to follow up with you to evaluate the results of the operation, and remove stitches if necessary.
Follow-up with the oncologist or consultant who performed the excision operation: You will have follow-up appointments with them to monitor any possible signs of cancer recurrence or for any other medical needs.
Therefore, it is essential to follow the instructions of the treating physician and communicate with him regularly during the treatment period.
When do the results of breast reconstruction appear?
The results of breast reconstruction surgery begin to appear clearly and finally after a few weeks, provided that you continue to follow the given advice and adhere to all medical instructions.

Book your appointment now:

For more information or to book a consultation, please contact us by phone, email, or visit our website. We are here to help you achieve your goals.

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